Normally this would be a Wednesday Inspiration post BUT... I was substitute teaching for my own wonderful teacher last night (may your toe heal quickly, beautiful Helwa!!) and we danced to Halawet Rooh so I wanted to share this today.
Halwawet Rooh is the name of a film staring the Lebanese singer and actress Haifa Wehbe that came out in 2014. It was banned in several countries including Egypt- you can read more about the controversy here.
Here you can see the trailer for the film. I have not seen the whole film. They can often be found complete on YouTube but I haven't looked for it yet. Despite Haifa Wehbe's incredible beauty and glamour, this looks be a very sad film which takes a hard look at the realities of life.
Halawet Rooh - The Official Trailer
On a more cheerful note, here the video for the theme song of the movie, which is sung by the Egyptian pop singer Hakim. THIS VIDEO HAS ENGLISH SUBTITLES !! which helps so much in the understanding of this beautiful song. Haifa Wehbe is not a professional dancer but I love her musicality and her feeling in this. And of course, who wouldn't like to look like that in a red slip dress?! She is so beautiful!
Halawet Rooh Movie Song's by Hakim with English Subtitles
I'd love to know what you think in the comments below!
I have a book about Arabic music that has a really nice chapter on Hakim, so I will do another little post on him next week since there isn't that much on the web about him in English.
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And I'll be back tomorrow with you usual Wednesday inspiration post... on Thursday!!
Happy dancing.