Today's clip is by the gorgeous dancer Aziza of Cairo (not be be confused with the American belly dancer Aziza). This is a beautiful baladi taksim and drum solo.
As I always like to point out about the Egyptian dancers, she does not over-dance it. She creates interest and drama by choosing which parts of the music she feels like responding to. She is so strong and so grounded. I think this is a riveting performance.
Aziza of Cairo, 2010
Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did!! I love her dancing and will have another, longer post on her in the near future.
I hope everyone is enjoying summer. It's hard to believe that registration for Fall 2016 classes will be here in just a couple of weeks, but it will! Updates are in the works for my Classes page, but you can always contact me for info if you can't wait until then ;).
Happy dancing,
xo Alisa Greer