Virtual Belly Dance Class Updates

Dear Dancers!

Great news - we are set to go live with virtual belly dance classes through the South San Francisco Parks and Rec! The office staff have worked so hard to get this going for us on their secure online meeting platform.

Our first class this way will be Weds 4/22 at 7PM.

The classes are completely FREE but you need to pre-register via the South San Francisco Parks and Rec online catalog. Click the link and then enter code SP1-471 in the box underneath the word ‘Filter’ on the left-hand side. This will bring up our class which is called ‘Belly Dancing - Virtual’. You can follow the instructions to register from there.

Please contact me if you have any questions or problems with the registration process and we will sort it out.

It is important to register as soon as you can so we can make sure everyone who wants to take class gets an invitation to join.

I am very excited that we can do this. I can’t wait to dance with you all on Wednesday!

Very best,
