Hello Dancers!
We had a very successful first class of virtual Beginning Belly Dance on Monday night. I’m continually amazed at how much my students are able to learn in the virtual format and how much fun we have dancing together in the only way we can right now. I wish so much that we could all be together in person but we will have a great Fall Term online.
Intermediate/Advanced Belly Dance class starts up tonight. There is sill time to register for either class via the South San Francisco Parks and Rec online system. Click the Virtual Classes tab once you are there you can choose your class. You can always contact me with questions.
I am working on some really neat blog content for future weeks, including a project that is very dear to my heart that I cannot wait to share with everyone. Please consider following me on Instagram @alisabellydance or signing up for my newsletter (or both!) to stay in touch.
In the meantime, I’ve got one more performance video to share from my vast archive :). This is from the Fabulous Fall Festival and like so much else, I will really miss it this year!
Belly Dancer Alisa Greer performs at BABDAMA's Fabulous Fall Festival in 2015.
Have a great week, everyone!