I wasn't sure which clip I wanted to show today, because there are so many great ones of her, but I knew I wanted today to be all about Egyptian belly dance legend Fifi Abdou.
This is because Fifi beautifully illustrates how much of a good belly dance performance comes from your energy, your confidence and your joy in your own movement. This is something that I learned to notice from my own teacher Amina, and now it is something I watch for in the clips I see and something I try to pass on to my students in class. Watch how she walks, and the relaxed way she carries herself.
Fifi Abdou is always fun to watch. She always seems like she is having fun, so we have fun watching her.
The lovely Eygptian Belly Dancer, Fifi Abdo performing at the outdoor stage at the Sheraton.
I hope you enjoyed this clip. There will be more Fifi in the future, but I know no one has time to read a long post right now! Happy dancing until next week.
XO Alisa Greer
And a note about classes: Registration is open for my evening classes in South San Francisco for the new term beginning Weds, January 11th, 2017. Registration is easy online: Go to https://econnect.ssf.net and use code 163701 to register for the beginning class and code 163703 to register for intermediate. We have a lot of fun in these classes but it is important to register early!!